Let’s Unite

Let’s Unite



I’ve been in ministry most of my life. I’ve had some great experiences, and I’ve had some that were just learning experiences. One thing I know for sure, this journey hasn’t been easy, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world!
Regardless of the capacity in which we lead God’s people, it requires us to give of ourselves. In that, there are tiring times, trying times, crying times, feel like giving up times, second guessing times, times of pain, times of joy, times of praise, times of worship, and times of prayer. Howetver, many times, church leaders are giving, and giving, but they are not being refueled to continue. God has place The Refreshing on my heart, and in my spirit to provide an enviroment for us to be refueled, and hold each other up with no judgement.
The Refreshing is a safe place for those who labor with the same purpose of fulling The Great Commission, and seeing God’s people living life to the fullest as He intended. This group will allow us to glen knowledge from one another, to talk out problems and offer solutions, to encourage one another, and to serve as a reminder, that we have been called to a life much larger then we imagined, but with God on our side, those things that seem impossible will become possible.
The Refreshing Experience is a conference being held in October designed with you in mind. It’s a time were you can be ministered to, empowered, and connect with others who share the same burden for souls. This conference is a time to receive so that you can continue to pour out, and not get burnt out.
I look forward to uniting with you in this group, praying with you, learning with you, holding each other up, and meeting you at the conference in October.
Many Blessings,
Dr. Mindy A. Butler

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